This privacy statement was last updated on 03/01/2024 and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via We recommend you carefully read this statement. In our processing we comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. That means, among other things, that:

  • we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this by means of this privacy statement;
  • we aim to limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data required for legitimate purposes;
  • we first request your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases requiring your consent;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your right to access your personal data or have it corrected or deleted, at your request.

If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what data we keep of you, please contact us.

1. Purpose, data and retention period

We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)

2. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy

3. Disclosure practices

We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.

4. Security

We are committed to the security of personal data. We take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. This ensures that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed.

5. Third-party websites

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected by links on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statements of these websites prior to making use of these websites.

6. Amendments to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to make amendments to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly in order to be aware of any changes. In addition, we will actively inform you wherever possible.

7. Accessing and modifying your data

If you have any questions or want to know which personal data we have about you, please contact us. You can contact us by using the information below. You have the following rights:

  • You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.
  • Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.
  • If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
  • Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
  • Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.

Please make sure to always clearly state who you are, so that we can be certain that we do not modify or delete any data of the wrong person.

8. Submitting a complaint

If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

9. Contact details

amir cohen
Moshe Sneh 26 petah tikva
Phone number: +972512568586



מי אנחנו

טקסט מוצע: כתובת האתר שלנו היא:


טקסט מוצע: כאשר המבקרים משאירים תגובות באתר אנו אוספים את הנתונים המוצגים בטופס התגובה, ובנוסף גם את כתובת ה-IP של המבקר, ואת מחרוזת ה-user agent של הדפדפן שלו כדי לסייע בזיהוי תגובות זבל.

יתכן ונעביר מחרוזת אנונימית שנוצרה מכתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך (הנקראת גם hash) לשירות Gravatar כדי לראות אם הנך חבר/ה בשירות. מדיניות הפרטיות של שירות Gravatar זמינה כאן: לאחר אישור התגובה שלך, תמונת הפרופיל שלך גלויה לציבור בהקשר של התגובה שלך.


טקסט מוצע: בהעלאה של תמונות לאתר, מומלץ להימנע מהעלאת תמונות עם נתוני מיקום מוטבעים (EXIF GPS). המבקרים באתר יכולים להוריד ולחלץ את כל נתוני מיקום מהתמונות באתר.


טקסט מוצע: בכתיבת תגובה באתר שלנו, באפשרותך להחליט אם לאפשר לנו לשמור את השם שלך, כתובת האימייל שלך וכתובת האתר שלך בקבצי עוגיות (cookies). השמירה תתבצע לנוחיותך, על מנת שלא יהיה צורך למלא את הפרטים שלך שוב בכתיבת תגובה נוספת. קבצי העוגיות ישמרו לשנה.

אם אתה מבקר בעמוד ההתחברות של האתר, נגדיר קובץ עוגיה זמני על מנת לקבוע האם הדפדפן שלך מקבל קבצי עוגיות. קובץ עוגיה זה אינו מכיל נתונים אישיים והוא נמחק בעת סגירת הדפדפן.

כאשר תתחבר, אנחנו גם נגדיר מספר 'עוגיות' על מנת לשמור את פרטי ההתחברות שלך ואת בחירות התצוגה שלך. עוגיות התחברות תקפות ליומיים, ועוגיות אפשרויות מסך תקפות לשנה. אם תבחר באפשרות "זכור אותי", פרטי ההתחברות שלך יהיו תקפים למשך שבועיים. אם תתנתק מהחשבון שלך, עוגיות ההתחברות יימחקו.

אם אתה עורך או מפרסם מאמר, קובץ 'עוגיה' נוסף יישמר בדפדפן שלך. קובץ 'עוגיה' זה אינו כולל נתונים אישיים ופשוט מציין את מזהה הפוסט של המאמר. הוא יפוג לאחר יום אחד.

תוכן מוטמע מאתרים אחרים

טקסט מוצע: כתבות או פוסטים באתר זה עשויים לכלול תוכן מוטבע (לדוגמה, קטעי וידאו, תמונות, מאמרים, וכו'). תוכן מוטבע מאתרי אינטרנט אחרים דינו כביקור הקורא באתרי האינטרנט מהם מוטבע התוכן.

אתרים אלו עשויים לאסוף נתונים אודותיך, להשתמש בקבצי 'עוגיות', להטמיע מעקב של צד שלישי נוסף, ולנטר את האינטראקציה שלך עם תוכן מוטמע זה, לרבות מעקב אחר האינטראקציה שלך עם התוכן המוטמע, אם יש לך חשבון ואתה מחובר לאתר זה.

עם מי אנו חולקים את המידע שלך

טקסט מוצע: אם תבקשו לאפס את הסיסמה, כתובת ה-IP שלכם תיכלל באימייל לאיפוס שיישלח.

משך הזמן בו נשמור את המידע שלך

טקסט מוצע: במידה ותגיב/י על תוכן באתר, התגובה והנתונים אודותיה יישמרו ללא הגבלת זמן, כדי שנוכל לזהות ולאשר את כל התגובות העוקבות באופן אוטומטי.

עבור משתמשים רשומים באתר (במידה ויש כאלה) אנו מאחסנים גם את המידע האישי שהם מספקים בפרופיל המשתמש שלהם. כל המשתמשים יכולים לראות, לערוך או למחוק את המידע האישי שלהם בכל עת (פרט לשם המשתמש אותו לא ניתן לשנות). גם מנהלי האתר יכולים לראות ולערוך מידע זה.

אילו זכויות יש לך על המידע שלך

טקסט מוצע: אם יש לך חשבון באתר זה, או שהשארת תגובות באתר, באפשרותך לבקש לקבל קובץ של הנתונים האישיים שאנו מחזיקים לגביך, כולל כל הנתונים שסיפקת לנו. באפשרותך גם לבקש שנמחק כל מידע אישי שאנו מחזיקים לגביך. הדבר אינו כולל נתונים שאנו מחויבים לשמור למטרות מנהליות, משפטיות או ביטחוניות.

לאן נשלח המידע שלך

טקסט מוצע: תגובות מבקרים עלולות להיבדק על ידי שירות אוטומטי למניעת תגובות זבל.

יומן פעילות

אם אתה משתמש רשום, אנו שומרים את פעילות התוכן שלך כמו יצירה/עדכון/מחיקה של פוסטים ותגובות.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress by Complianz to collect and record Browser and Device-based Consent. For this functionality, your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. This service does not process any personally identifiable information and does not share any data with the service provider. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.


Which modules collect personal data?

If you use Hustle to create and embed any Pop-up, Embed, Slide-in, or Social share module, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other plugins.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default, Hustle captures the IP Address for each conversion and for each view only if the "tracking" functionality is enabled. Other personal data such as your name and email address may also be captured, depending on the form fields.

Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given. 

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module, we capture the IP Address for analyisis purposes. We also capture the email address and might capture other personal data included in the form fields.

How long we retain your data

By default Hustle retains all form submissions and tracking data forever. You can delete the stored data in Hustle » Settings » Privacy Settings, and under each module's settings.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module we retain the data for 30 days.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.

Third Parties

If your forms use either built-in or external third-party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Hustle Pro optionally use these third-party integrations:

  • ActiveCampaign. Enabled when you activate and setup ActiveCampaign on Email Collection settings.
  • Aweber. Enabled when you activate and setup Aweber on Email Collection settings.
  • Campaign Monitor. Enabled when you activate and setup Campaign Monitor on Email Collection settings.
  • Constant Contact. Enabled when you activate and setup Constant Contact on Email Collection settings.
  • ConvertKit. Enabled when you activate and setup ConvertKit on Email Collection settings.
  • e-Newsletter. Enabled when you activate and setup e-Newsletter on Email Collection settings.
  • GetResponse. Enabled when you activate and setup GetResponse on Email Collection settings.
  • HubSpot. Enabled when you activate and setup HubSpot on Email Collection settings.
  • iContact. Enabled when you activate and setup iContact on Email Collection settings.
  • Keap. Enabled when you activate and setup Keap on Email Collection settings.
  • Mad Mimi. Enabled when you activate and setup Mad Mimi on Email Collection settings.
  • Mailchimp. Enabled when you activate and setup Mailchimp on Email Collection settings.
  • MailerLite. Enabled when you activate and setup MailerLite on Email Collection settings.
  • Mautic. Enabled when you activate and setup Mautic on Email Collection settings.
  • reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you activate and setup reCAPTCHA on non-Social sharing modules.
  • Pinterest. Enabled when you activate and setup Pinterest in Social Share Module.
  • SendGrid. Enabled when you activated and setup SendGrid on Email Collection settings.
  • Brevo. Enabled when you activated and setup Brevo on Email Collection settings.
  • Sendy. Enabled when you activated and setup Sendy on Email Collection settings.
  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Email Collection settings.

Suggested text: 

We use ActiveCampaign to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Aweber to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Campaign Monitor to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Constant Contact to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use ConvertKit to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use GetResponse to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use HubSpot to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use iContact to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Keap to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mad Mimi to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mailchimp to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use MailerLite to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mautic to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use SendGrid to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Brevo to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Sendy to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use e-Newsletter to manage our subscriber. You can learn more about it here

We use Pinterest to share media. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use reCAPTCHA to protect your website from fraud and abuse. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here :


By default Hustle uses cookies to count how many times each module is visualized. Cookies might be used to handle other features such as display settings, used when a module should not be displayed for a certain time, whether the user commented before, whether the user has subscribed, among others, if their related settings are enabled.



Which modules collect personal data?

If you use Hustle to create and embed any Pop-up, Embed, Slide-in, or Social share module, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other plugins.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default, Hustle captures the IP Address for each conversion and for each view only if the "tracking" functionality is enabled. Other personal data such as your name and email address may also be captured, depending on the form fields.

Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given. 

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module, we capture the IP Address for analyisis purposes. We also capture the email address and might capture other personal data included in the form fields.

How long we retain your data

By default Hustle retains all form submissions and tracking data forever. You can delete the stored data in Hustle » Settings » Privacy Settings, and under each module's settings.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module we retain the data for 30 days.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.

Third Parties

If your forms use either built-in or external third-party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Hustle Pro optionally use these third-party integrations:

  • ActiveCampaign. Enabled when you activate and setup ActiveCampaign on Email Collection settings.
  • Aweber. Enabled when you activate and setup Aweber on Email Collection settings.
  • Campaign Monitor. Enabled when you activate and setup Campaign Monitor on Email Collection settings.
  • Constant Contact. Enabled when you activate and setup Constant Contact on Email Collection settings.
  • ConvertKit. Enabled when you activate and setup ConvertKit on Email Collection settings.
  • e-Newsletter. Enabled when you activate and setup e-Newsletter on Email Collection settings.
  • GetResponse. Enabled when you activate and setup GetResponse on Email Collection settings.
  • HubSpot. Enabled when you activate and setup HubSpot on Email Collection settings.
  • iContact. Enabled when you activate and setup iContact on Email Collection settings.
  • Keap. Enabled when you activate and setup Keap on Email Collection settings.
  • Mad Mimi. Enabled when you activate and setup Mad Mimi on Email Collection settings.
  • Mailchimp. Enabled when you activate and setup Mailchimp on Email Collection settings.
  • MailerLite. Enabled when you activate and setup MailerLite on Email Collection settings.
  • Mautic. Enabled when you activate and setup Mautic on Email Collection settings.
  • reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you activate and setup reCAPTCHA on non-Social sharing modules.
  • Pinterest. Enabled when you activate and setup Pinterest in Social Share Module.
  • SendGrid. Enabled when you activated and setup SendGrid on Email Collection settings.
  • Brevo. Enabled when you activated and setup Brevo on Email Collection settings.
  • Sendy. Enabled when you activated and setup Sendy on Email Collection settings.
  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Email Collection settings.

Suggested text: 

We use ActiveCampaign to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Aweber to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Campaign Monitor to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Constant Contact to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use ConvertKit to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use GetResponse to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use HubSpot to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use iContact to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Keap to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mad Mimi to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mailchimp to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use MailerLite to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mautic to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use SendGrid to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Brevo to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Sendy to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use e-Newsletter to manage our subscriber. You can learn more about it here

We use Pinterest to share media. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use reCAPTCHA to protect your website from fraud and abuse. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here :


By default Hustle uses cookies to count how many times each module is visualized. Cookies might be used to handle other features such as display settings, used when a module should not be displayed for a certain time, whether the user commented before, whether the user has subscribed, among others, if their related settings are enabled.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress by Complianz to collect and record Browser and Device-based Consent. For this functionality, your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. This service does not process any personally identifiable information and does not share any data with the service provider. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.

יומן פעילות

אם אתה משתמש רשום, אנו שומרים את פעילות התוכן שלך כמו יצירה/עדכון/מחיקה של פוסטים ותגובות.

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